This is the first Bayad Center that the company has, situated at the business core of Dapa which is also the growth capital of SIARGAO. To give easy access to the consumers who wish to pay their respective bills, this Bayad Center has been erected to prove that the coop desire to have the best services to its dear patrons.

One of the newly constructed service centers of SIARELCO, strategically erected at the business hub of Socorro. It is now the company’s extension office established to cater and accommodate the needs of its member-consumers in the area.

The first and the newly constructed building which is firmly built to bring closer to its member consumers from the rising municipality of Santa Monica, San Benito and Burgos. The services that the coop provided is an honor with
full of gratitude. SIARELCO proudly completed the said office out from its minimal financial resources. This is an output as a result of collaborative effort resulting to the productive operation of the coop.